Case histories

A mural to celebrate Bolgheri

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When social communication and street art meet up

In 2018 the prestigious Bolgheri wine cellar Le Macchiole decided to create a work of art in black and white on the external walls of the wine cellar, a real mural created by one of the most recognized and appreciated representatives of contemporary street art of the moment: Ozmo.

At the basis of this choice was the awareness of living in one of the most beautiful places in Italy which needs to be preserved, enhanced and communicated.

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the project!

Starting from the idea that street art is today one of the most innovative forms of art, capable of giving clean and sincere visual emotions, our proposal to the company was to create a press tour devoted specifically to some influencers in the wine sector, and not only in that sector.

Objective: to communicate, via social media, the message behind this mural and the inspiring philosophy that animates the company in the creation of its iconic products.

Beginning with an analysis of the communicative elements inherent to the work, but also to the Bolgheri territory, we created a three-day program during which the influencers involved were able to discover, and in turn narrate through the power of images, Bolgheri and Le Macchiole, their history, the territory, the family and the iconic wines they produce, as well as the philosophy underlying their production which has always made them known and appreciated throughout the world.


Case histories

The “Feel Venice” event