Meet Anna


CEO e Press Office Director

With a background in economics, I have loved talking about the food & wine sector for years, in Italy and abroad. I convert strategies into actions, I imagine communication scenarios that can best enhance the brands with which I have the honor of working, and I organize my team in such a way as to give space to the various talents.

Passion, curiosity and enthusiasm are my distinguishing characteristics as well as a never-ending optimism in the face of the challenges I encounter. Every occasion is good for packing my suitcase and traveling to discover the world.

Meet our team

Account Manager and International Press Office

Always attentive to the new trends in communication (regarding food & wine), I carefully select bits of news, experiences, wine tours for press interlocutors from all over the world.

Every day I communicate the poetry and complexity of ‘Made in Italy’ to cultures that are always different, and I keep with me a deep love for human relationships.

Between one wine experience and another, I always find time for a new recipe or to try out the cuisine of some new restaurant.

Account Manager and Press Office Account

With a solid experience in press office and event organization in the wine world, I have learned to weave stories as if they were precious threads of silk. Every drop of wine tells a story, and every bottle is a universe to explore. I fully engage in the journey of the producers I have the pleasure to work alongside, of the territories and the people who work passionately every day, and then create narratives that resonate with authenticity and depth. I am certain that words are not just words, but bridges that connect the heart of every brand to the external world.

Curious and naturally positive, I am often told that I have the gift of instilling serenity, perhaps because I firmly believe in the power of communication that creates a bond, combining empathy and understanding.

In my free time, you can find me in my oasis of peace, the kitchen, where the substance remains the same: it’s the art of creating harmony, of touching the senses, of giving an unforgettable experience. This is the magic that I aim to bring into every aspect of my life both professional and personal.

Press Office Account

Being communicative and curious by nature since a young age, I chose to study languages, literature, and art and then to work in the field of communication, working across editorial work to corporate communication agencies and press offices.

Throughout these years of work, filled with unforgettable journeys, places, encounters, dishes, and wines, I have gained experience by managing numerous projects in the tourism, hospitality, wine, food, design and architecture sectors. Between trips and organizing new events, I unwind and seek concentration by practicing yoga and breathing exercises, disciplines that allow me to discover the best version of myself every day.

Press Office Account

Ever since I was little, I knew exactly what I wanted: to turn my passion for writing into a career, so in 2017 I became a Professional Journalist.

I’ve always written, both as a journalist and Press Office about culture and innovation but also about the intersection between the two worlds. Specifically, I’ve been exploring how cultural institutions are adapting to the digital age, trying to expand and diversify how people engage with them. Passionate about green topics and sustainability, in 2021, I found a new passion: wine. Since then, communicating about it has been as delightful as tasting it.

Press Office Account

Communicating, building relationships, understanding different realities, grasping their nuances, and using writing to narrate and uplift them—these are the things that define me, both professionally and personally. I’ve been lucky to refine these skills thanks to my Sociology degree and my mixed bag of professional experiences. I have a background in international business and account management, role that I have blended with journalistic collaborations.

From touring Northern Italy during my college days to settling in Bangkok and then Rotterdam, living abroad exposed me to different cultures and taught me to connect with people from various backgrounds. It also helped me appreciate the beauty of my own country and all it has to offer. That’s why I now dedicate myself to communicating its essence to both national and international audiences.

When I’m not on the clock I seek out new experiences by traveling and tasting different cuisines, always with a good glass of wine, of course.

International PR Account

Convinced humanist (in possession of a classical high school diploma and a degree in Foreign Languages), as a young girl I loved writing so much that I felt it was a kind of special friend that adhered perfectly to my way of being, to such a degree that I chose it as my favorite way to communicate with myself.

I arrived in the fabulous world of wine & food press offices when I was already grown up, with professional background experiences that were often quite different from each other, and from this advantage I learned the value of adaptability.

Being the megaphone for those who work stalwartly every day aiming at excellence in the name of Made in Italy, is a subtle game of balances, among creativity, empathy, listening, intuition and passion. I believe in the strength of the team because the combination of different talents oriented towards the same objective creates that uniqueness which, if it succeeds in becoming distinctive, can really go a long way.

Press Office Account

After earning a degree in Literature and Linguistics, I stepped into the job market searching for something that could blend my love for language and communication with the passion for the wine industry that runs in my family.

With a curious mind and a practical approach, I narrate wine with authenticity and empathy towards customers who choose us to enrich their journey. My mantra? Always remember that behind every winery, there are people.

When I’m not glued to my computer screen, you’ll likely catch me with a glass of wine in hand or up a mountain, enjoying the view.

Press Office

I define myself as a passionate storyteller of Made in Italy, I love narrating the stories of the various realities, big and small, that make our country unique. With a solid background in the luxury sector, I have now immersed myself in the world of wine, an Italian excellence that fascinates and inspires me every day. My dynamic and eclectic personality translates into an insatiable curiosity for the world around me, while my passion for languages has led me to significant international experiences, including six months in New York, where I’ve improved my English and I’ve enriched my cultural knowledge.

In my free time, I usually book flights.

Social Media Account

The world of communication has always fascinated me; I had a clear vision of my future even back in high school. So, with no surprise I ended up pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and Corporate Communication. Over time, I also discovered a deep passion for digital marketing and for social media in general—a passion I’m still refining to this day.

When I’m not scrolling through Instagram, I’m busy planning small trips or adventures to taste-test new dishes and products. I believe food might just be my second passion… or maybe my first?

Social Media Account and Press Office

Someone might say that ‘I write things, I see people, I taste wine”. However, that would be an oversimplified picture. Communicating about wine and its terroir, for me, means conveying their value and beauty with care and aesthetic taste, through writing, social media, and customer relationships.

I’ve been working in the field of communication for almost 20 years: what started as a personal passion for wine gradually became the focus of my career. After starting out in institutional communication, I’ve had various roles in agencies and built up a long and solid experience as a freelancer, which continues to this day.

In my free time I enojoy team sports, the mountains, and anything that leaves me with good memories and no regrets.

Copy strategy

With a degree in Political Science and a classical high school diploma in my pocket, I love writing and using words to tell stories, narrate territories and people. I’m passionate about the culture of social responsibility, sustainability, civil rights, and politics as the art of coming together for a common goal.

Growing up with a scout neckerchief around my neck, when I’m not writing, you’ll find me clearing my mind outdoors or enjoying a good meal with a glass of wine.

Office Manager

I’ve always had a natural inclination towards sociability and empathy: my gift lies in understanding people’s needs at first glance. This ability led me to pursue a career always in contact with the public. I’ve worked in various sectors, but it was in the field of communication that I found my true calling. In particular, I’ve become passionate about the food and wine industry because I believe that food and wine are the essence of conviviality and sharing.

Thanks to my experience and passion, I can convey emotions through my stories and create authentic connections with people. I’m determined, creative, and always up for new challenges that allow me to grow personally and professionally.