Case histories

From B2B to B2C during the period of Covid

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When the communication plan changes from day to day and becomes an opportunity

The collaboration with the Consorzio Vini Alto Adige represented a great opportunity for the agency to develop a 360-degree communication strategy whose protagonist is an extraordinary territory from a naturalistic, enological, historical and enogastronomic point of view.

During the year 2020, however, due to the health crisis, we had to suddenly overturn the entire communication plan that we had initially designed in order to adapt it to a totally different context, which presented different needs and at the same time different interlocutors. We didn’t get discouraged but our thoughts broke out of the mold.

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Among the new models and paradigms that we had to reconsider with the arrival of Covid there was also the need to adopt a totally different approach to the communication strategy for the Consorzio Vini Alto Adige with respect to the past.

In particular, due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, we had to open up to a new target: no longer just the press and B2B operators in the wine sector, but also the so-called “B2C”.

In other words, we had to dialogue with and reach, as far as possible, the final consumer and all the fans of the world of wine.

In order to respond adequately to this new scenario and to the new needs of the Consortium, communication activities had already been significantly expanded during the year 2020 and not only aimed at the classic business models of reference but instead, opening up new communication channels with B2C companies.

This meant producing content that spread the great qualities of South Tyrolean wines and the territory itself directly and with an appropriate tone of voice.

At the same time, collaborations were activated with wine influencers, with exceptional testimonials such as Reinhold Messner and with the main online platforms for selling wine, to achieve a great goal: to make known to as many people as possible the great variety, versatility and quality of South Tyrolean wines.


Case histories

A bottle that talks to a Lifestyle